
Letter to Numbers

Revered Numbers,

Most mean things have the mega misconception that they are respected. The use of 'revered' must have given you that same feeling. Well, I cannot put it across in any other way but bluntly -- you are basically feared. I ask this genuine question to specific people, 'What is the use of Maths'? No answer till date has been able to suffice my satisfaction. And I hate it that my daughter will have to undergo the same ordeal of battling her way through numbers, if she doesn't end up having a panache for them.

Have you ever thought, of what good is your existence? I was struggling to find a way to defend myself when I could not explain the policy of a sweet shop to my cousin, R, last night. 'It is not half price because, if one kachori is priced at Rs 4/- I won't be getting it at Rs 2/- post 8.30 pm. What I would be getting is two kachoris for Rs 4/-. How is it half price? It is double benefit.' And he responded that I suck at Maths. Like hell I probably do. But if I can manage to have the kachoris with a friend, savoring the reduced rate in the middle of an unplanned feast, how do you feature?

As I was blanketing myself from the thunder and lightning, I could almost see myself in a conversation with you. One of those rare sentence exchanges where I was completely convinced that we rather have arguments over numbers. Arguments, over numbers. They would reach a confident conclusion. Right now, there are numerous yous, playing around my head like a party between protons and neutrons. Of which too, I understand little.

Unkn0t me,

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