
Letter to Chhuti V

Chhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :) 

Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming to me in that tiny punch of a thing that you are. Elders would say you are stubborn, more sophisticated people would say your mother raised an adamant you, but me, I reiterate that your assertion is worth marveling at. I am fascinated with the prospect that we would be travelling, just when I was thinking we wouldn't be able to. God, I am so excited that the words are not following my instructions.

I want to write to you about how we will breathe in the air to fill in our souls to last the rest of the semester until another trip beckons, but I would rather pamper you this Saturday with a sound sleep and respect your strength of character. Something about you often enables me to feel strong from within. I guess it is your unassuming simplicity, or your compelling sweet nature which makes it necessary that you can't be ignored, or avoided. Poetry ain't my cup of Darjeeling tea :)

I find it absolutely adorable that you have weaved your way into my life in a manner that is beyond beautiful. The very essence of it is a reason for which I live. You. I often share with friends that in my next life I would be born a Princess just so as to be in a perennial you, with you. They reply I would then not regard your importance like I do today, but Chhuti, some people are born to enjoy doing nothing. To seep in everything around, to absorb and reflect.

Saturdays shouldn't be spent reading letters, go out, play, have a late bath, watch cartoons, colour, scream, sing, sleep.

Some people are born to love you enough to spoil you, period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Blacksheep, you have competition. No one can love Chhuti more than me. So you see, I am even unable go out and play on a Saturday as I need to delve deeper into your relationship with Chhuti and find out more. Atri

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