

a1b2c3d4e5f6. zebrahaspurpledots. antigoneisgone. winmer_12_tersum. isleepwithclooney_how54. furfat#. chanmondler98. @nadal@clay@federer@everywhere. pass_word_14. exchangentleman. 
Everything failed. All possible combinations to create a password designed well enough to crack Jennifer's mail id bounced. It was time Danyal got evidence about the raving Jennifer-Aurang affair. It was the alimony that caused him the most anxiety. He was sure of Jennifer's family going after the two apartments, even if Jennifer herself was not, and the Shergill painting. Danyal sat in office, pulling his hair trying to think of all possibilities. Last night, he had eyed over the first bit of mail, that Jennifer sat reading, next to him. They were still sleeping together, to maintain the propriety of a loving conjugal couple. It read:

Beloved Jennifer,

Amsterdam is a beautiful place! The tulips would look better with you around. I have kept the visit to the Van Gogh Museum on hold until we can do it together, after a wine laden salad lunch on a chilly afternoon. I hope the divorce discussions are underway. It is unbearable, this distance

Jennifer caught Danyal preoccupied with the pretense of not reading her mail. She went outside to the adjacent balcony and sat on the seetee to read the rest of the mail. No Danyal, you cannot have this pleasure. Or, should you? She decided to tantalize him a wee bit further and returned to her side of the bed, reading, in continuum:

It is unbearable, this distance. We already know you are capable to earn a more than decent living here, and I have a fair share of bank balance and inheritance. Don't worry sweetheart. Don't claim anything from poor Danyal, just get done with the legalities by August when I return. To you. I cannot wait to take you in my arms, kiss you like the rain, all over, and wake up with you. Kill Danyal actually, that would be more pleasant for him. I can feel his pain. Kill everyone and everything to do with the Danyal Engineer and the rest of his Engineerwallah clan. Don't wear my Mondegari too, after your name. Jennifer Coomar always best suited you. Oh, I love you JC. Wear me instead.


The mail had a sender's address attached:
Aurang Mondegari,
Co-Founder, www.dealdart.com 

All Danyal could think of was how to get his hand on this mail. He could save his family from a fortune going to Jennifer, if only he could show this mail to the court that 'instigated her to kill anything that came in the way of their affair'. I will not part with the Shergill. I need to crack her password. He tried some more:
birkin2bags. jengineercoomar. ihatedanyal. iloveaurang. calcuttacoomar. colaba14coomar. j14d31.

Damn you, Jennie! What could you have possibly thought of?

In her room, Jennifer entered her password to re-read Aurang's mail: youshouldnotbedoingthis#danyal

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