
Letter to Chhuti XV

All that I have ever wanted -- Chhuti,

And you are here! Your tiny little hands, impossibly holding the entirety of life, in its wholesome expansion. You, with your unbearable benevolence and your multitude of possibilities. When one asks me now, 'What are you doing?', I reply I am with you. And they, they foolishly as who are you. As I laugh slightly, I pause today. Do you know who are you? Well, let me try telling you today who you are to me then.

You are this afternoon of working at ease. You are E-A-S-E. In case people think ease is a luxury only few can afford, I would like to point it out to them, no, it is not about anything to do with 'afford'. It, on the contrary, is about a 'conditioning' of the mind (and body?), where one may have ambitions to pursue and choices to make, but does so at one's comfort, intelligently. It is about a well-thought out lifestyle one is oriented to live.

Who does not like money? Or, which millionaire does not want to make another? But in the quest to do so, if I lose the invaluable time to afford a time-out, it is a waste, is it not? And that, Chhuti, are you. A privilege. A premeditated privilege. I am working non-stop now and cooking too, ideas for a tomorrow which my yesterdays could not imagine.

Life is not about philosophizing, but living a practical philosophy of living well. And you, my dearest, are that theory which puts to action such living. That's who you are!

Thank you,

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