

The above is a Jayasri Burman painting; i love her love-affair with details.
It is very similar to Kahlo's "Roots".
The protagonist in both cases in a comfortable recline.

I recline too.
And watch TV, read, gather gossip.
Tele-talk, doodle, think what's true.
It's when I become the protagonist.
To myself. Unbelong.


Sohomjit said...

The Body Reclining

I sing the body reclining
I sing the throwing back of self
I sing the cushioned head
The fallen arm
The lolling breast
I sing the body reclining
As an indolent continent

I sing the body reclining
I sing the easy breathing ribs
I sing the horizontal neck
I sing the slow-moving blood
Sluggish as a river
In its lower course

I sing the weighing thighs
The idle toes
The liming knees
I sing the body reclining
As a wayward tree

I sing the restful nerve

Those who scrub and scrub
corrupt the body

Those who dust and dust
also corrupt the body

And are caught in the asylum
Of their own making
Therefore I sing the body reclining

-- Grace Nichols

The Sunflower Collective said...

lovely :)

Poushali said...

the painting's lovely......

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